Aion Gamesia 3.5
Country Singapore
5/5 (0 Reviews)


What is the website link of the Aion Gamesia 3.5 ?

The Aion Gamesia 3.5 website link is You can find all the information you need about the server there.

Don't forget that you can also find the Aion Gamesia 3.5 server among other great Aion Online servers in our Aion Online Servers top list.

Where the Aion Gamesia 3.5 server is located?

Aion Gamesia 3.5 server is located in Singapore, so if you're playing from there, you should expect a low latency and a smooth experience. If you're playing from other countries, you might experience some lag, but it shouldn't be too bad.

When was the Aion Gamesia 3.5 server added to TopServers?

The Aion Gamesia 3.5 server was added to the TopServers Aion Online category on February 22, 2021, at 10:28 am, by user Gamesia.

This server has no reviews.

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